Eylül 29, 2015

Deli Düş

Keşke, bir satırla bir ruhu katledebilecek kadar şair olsaydım.

3 yorum:

D. dedi ki...

Le monde est poésie entre vos mains et votre esprit.
VOUS êtes une poésie et votre son résonne en moi.
Et vous avez touché mon âme instantanément.

Sandığından daha zayıf değilim.
Sevgili gökkuşağı gökyüzü.
Ben senin blogu okumaya.
Affet beni
…ben senin gülümseme binlerce aldı

Zeynep Merdan dedi ki...

This is my museum D. My soul's museum.
and every visitor can always come here.


David dedi ki...

So, I need a a lifetime subscription. And maybe more.
Because I want to explore every corner of your - museum of - Soul.
And I know that there's no wall in your museum. There's no end, no limit.
Maybe I'll still be there even in an other life. Because I think it's already too late... I'm already lost inside rooms and corridors of your museum.
But I must warn you...
...maybe, surely, I will leave behind me some piece of my own Soul.

Your friend
